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Define a Limit of How Many Absences a Student Can Accrue with the New Absence Limits Feature for Qwickly Attendance Pro

Define a Limit of How Many Absences a Student Can Accrue with the New Absence Limits Feature for Qwickly Attendance Pro

September 28, 2021

Many schools use an absence limit in courses to guide predetermined actions, such as withdrawing a student from a class. Qwickly is introducing a new feature known as Absence Limits to Qwickly Attendance Pro, which allows administrators to set a number of sessions a student can be absent before reaching the course absence limit. 

Qwickly Attendance Pro's enterprise reporting includes specific reports that show the absence limit status for individual students. While the absence limit is defined at the administrative level, individuals with varying levels of access will be able to review these student reports in real time.

Absence Limits provides three visual "warning" levels to show the instructor when a student is nearing their absence limit. Each warning level has an associated color. Additionally, the number of absences a student has accrued can appear next to the students name, making it easy for instructors to quickly assess which students are in danger of reaching their Absence Limit.

Students can view how many absences they are allowed throughout the semseter before reaching the defined absence limit while also allowing them to see how many classes they have already missed. Absence Limits also gives instuctors the ability to have an email automatically sent to students upon acquiring a certain number of absences, warning them that they are in danger of reaching the absence limit.

This feature is available immediately for Qwickly Attendance Pro licensees using Blackboard Learn, Canvas, and D2L Brightspace! If you are currently licensing Qwickly Attendance Classic or Qwickly Attendance Plus and are interested in using the Absence Limits feature, contact your Sales Representative to learn more about starting a free trial license or upgrading your Qwickly Attendance service level!


How to Navigate through the Absence Limits Feature 

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